Easter treats in Malta
With Easter round the corner one can already see the typical Maltese specialties all around the Island in bakeries and shops. The Maltese love spending their Sundays with family around the table in good company and food. Below we shall be taking a look at some of our Easter favorites.
Kwareżimal is a traditional Maltese sweet that is prepared throughout Lent. It is a biscuit of sorts finished with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of nuts. The original recipe was made vegan (of course without the addition of honey) as it contained no butter, milk or eggs in the mixture. Present day, some recipes opt for egg whites as it makes the texture lighter and fluffier.
Known in English as ‘Apostle’s Ring Bread’, this a specially crafted bread that is traditionally baked for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It is found in bakeries and supermarkets throughout the Lenten time and is distinct due to its ringed shape and flavour. It is slightly sweet and topped with sesame seeds and almonds.
These little treats are specifically made for Good Friday but can be consumed at any time during Lent. They are made from carob and have a hard texture. Karamilli tal-Ħarrub can be found almost anywhere in bakeries and vendors on the streets who sell a selection of traditional Maltese foods.
Nowadays, Karamelli tal-Harrub are often made using brown sugar but you can still find them with carob. They come prepared in square shapes and are eaten in moderation as the sugar content is quite high. They have a slight tang to them as they are also bursting with the flavours of many spices such as cinnamon, aniseed and cloves.
With Easter round the corner one can already see the typical Maltese specialties all around the Island in bakeries and shops. The Maltese love spending their Sundays with family around the table in good company and food. Below we shall be taking a look at some of our Easter favorites.
Perhaps everyone’s favourite, figolli is a much-loved Easter treat. They are often shaped into bunnies but are also commonly found in other variations such as easter eggs, butterflies, chickens or hearts to name a few. The dough itself once baked is buttery, slightly crumbly and highly addictive and to literally top it all off, coloured icing is iced atop to not only add colour and a pretty display but to also add a slight sweetness to the figolli. Chocolate and sprinkles are other popular toppings too, should you prefer. If that wasn’t enough to make you want to try a figoli ASAP, they also contain an almond paste filling that adds an even deeper flavour.